To date, Dr. Du has taught >900 students, consistently achieving outstanding teaching evaluations.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vanderbilt University
- Department of Biomedical Engineering, Northwestern University
- Spring 2023 - 2024, Teaching Associate, hemodynamics measurement lab in Bioelectronics (Graduate)
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
- Fall 2017 - 2020, Teaching Associate, online ECE 205A: Matrix Analysis for Scientists and Engineers (Graduate)
- Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, UCLA
- Fall 2018 - 2021, Teaching Fellow, M20: Introduction to Computer Programming with MATLAB (Undergraduate)
- Department of Physics & Astronomy, UCLA
- Spring 2018, Teaching Assistant, Physics 5C: Life Sciences Majors: Electricity, Magnetism, and Modern Physics (Undergraduate)
- Spring 2018, Teaching Assistant, Physics 1C: Physics for Scientists and Engineers: Electrodynamics, Optics, and Special Relativity(Undergraduate)
- Department of Psychology, UCLA
- Fall 2017, Teaching Assistant, Psychology 120B: Sensation & Perception (Undergraduate)